We Get Involved

Our contribution to the community calendar around Missoula is laced with animal education, care and play, aspects of farming, fair contributions and judging, mutten busting for rodeos scouting and other volunteer work. Our sheep can also be seen performing their jobs as you take your walks on Mt. Jumbo! It is so fun to walk through a store and hear a child yell 'Hi Farmer John' which happened so often that we decided to use that as the name of our business.

Future Farmers Of America

We sponsor animal barns and trophy’s for different children who are participating in local fairs. 


F V A – Five Valleys Audubon Society

Twice a year we host the bi-annual bird count. Two days out of the year we have bird watchers from the FVA (Five Valleys Audubon Society) come and count the different varieties of birds that are living on or migrating through the farm/ranch. They give us a card with all the counts and it’s so fun to see what kind of birds they find.


4-H – head, heart, hands, and health

We are involved in the local 4H programs here in Missoula. We give our time through judging and selling animals that are to be shown.

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Our Latest

Would you Like To Be One Of The Herd?

There are many ways to get involved! Come get farm fresh eggs, volunteer for the sheep run to Mt. Jumbo, or even sponsor a lamb! requires a lot of time and expense but it is so worthwhile to us and hopefully to you. By adopting a lamb you will be helping with the expense and care of a lamb at Farmer John’s. You will also receive a button and certificate stating the # of the tag on the lamb you’ve adopted for the summer. Let us know how you would like to be involved!

Partnering With Local Businesses

Here at Farmer John’s we like to assist local businesses with their sustainability. One of the businesses we are currently helping is Draught Works Brewery. The brewery desired to be sustainable with their spent grain. So they reached out and a partnership was born. Most days of the week Farmer John goes to Draught Works and picks up hundreds of pounds of spent grain and brings it to the farm where he feeds it to the sheep and chickens. This partnership is a reciprocal relationship where Drought Works Brewery doesn’t waste their grain and Farmer John is able to use that same grain to supplement his feed. This grain has a very high protein percentage and the sheep love it. They loved it so much that we had to adjust our feeding amount and create a more balanced diet.

Grateful For Moon Randolph Ranch

Ut libero ligula, venenatis eu elementum at, cursus sed nisi. Sed tincidunt euismod risus, at vehicula neque consectetur id. Etiam varius turpis sed ipsum imperdiet, id varius ipsum porttitor. Cras velit risus, imperdiet sed ultricies in, hendrerit nec neque. Curabitur enim justo.

How to Volunteer

Nulla volutpat luctus massa, a lobortis arcu lobortis ut. Quisque vestibulum eget felis quis semper. Nunc rhoncus accumsan sapien eget bibendum. Pellentesque ipsum odio, hendrerit cursus tempor non, posuere vitae nunc. Nullam dignissim tincidunt orci non pharetra. Sed nec volutpat lectus. Nunc dictum est mauris, pulvinar porttitor erat luctus sed. Integer scelerisque ultricies leo eget iaculis. In nulla velit, porttitor lobortis urna vitae, pulvinar lobortis est.